
700% Sales Increase Under 60 days For Outdoor Clothing Brand (Over 10x ROAS using Google/Meta Ads)



Performance Summary After Only 60 Days working with us

Sales/Revenue: 700% Increase

Store Sessions: 300% Increase

Conversion Rate: 132% Increase

Order Volume: 600% Increase

AOV: 20% Increase

Store Niche: Outdoor Adventure Clothing (New Zealand & Australia Markets)

Blended ROAS: Over 10x


In this case study, we will explore how we leveraged data-driven ecommerce marketing strategies for an outdoor clothing brand with great success.

The founder had been previously struggling to gain any traction on her own, she engaged local marketing agencies with no specialty or experience in e-commerce. Sick of losing money on ads and expensive retainers, she consulted with us.

Upon auditing the account, we noticed multiple issues:

  • No conversion tracking.
  • Campaigns optimized for wrong objectives and events (hence high traffic volume, but low conversion rates).
  • No audience or creative testing process.
  • No real strategy or direction with campaigns at all.

Key Objectives 

We took over the account and began working our magic. We set everything up from scratch again, including pixels/analytics/conversion tracking tags, conversion focused account structure, fresh ad creatives, targeting, and messaging. 

They were able to see significant improvements in their return on ad spend (ROAS) and cost per acquisition (CPA) instantly. They also saw a massive uplift in traffic quality and therefore conversion rates. Although we did optimize the client’s website and landing pages, we attribute most of the increase in CR to higher quality traffic sources from our campaigns.

This success encouraged them to explore other advertising avenues such as Google Ads, including Shopping Ads and Performance Max Ads which was also a massive success right away. 

To see such significant improvements in KPI’s in less than 60 days working with us is absolutely remarkable. The client has thanked us for helping to save her business and get back on track. We’re now working with her to scale into international markets, and will surely keep our readers updated on how things progress.



In conclusion, this ecommerce advertising case study demonstrates how strategic use of Facebook ads, Google Ads, and effective scaling strategies can lead to substantial increases in Revenue, ROAS improvements and CPA reductions. It’s relevant for clothing brands and pretty much any other online retailer.

We hope this was insightful and if you run an e-commerce business of your own and would like some help scaling your online sales, feel free to reach out for a free consultation with us below!

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