
How To Generate 30% Of Monthly Revenue For Your Store Using Advanced Klaviyo Automation Flows


[How We Generated An Additional 20% Of Revenue in 30 Days For A Fashion Brand Through Our Advanced Klaviyo Automation Flows]


Revenue Generated: $25000

Store Niche: High End Fashion/Apparel – North American & European Markets



This high end fashion client approached us from the Shopify Experts Marketplace looking for experts in email marketing. They claimed their email marketing was simply not working, so we began by auditing their account to see what potential they had. 

They first thing we noticed was their account was running an extremely basic setup consisting of the default example flows provided by Klaviyo, as well as the default email templates inside the flows. They hadn’t even changed any of the copywriting or imagery inside of the emails other than their logo.

They also had no sign up form, and were only sending manual campaigns once every 3 months. 

Their total revenue from Klaviyo in the past 90 days at this point was under 5%.

We let the client know exactly what our gameplan would be to improve this to the 20-30% mark we regularly achieve for clients, and it included the following:

  • Design of responsive signup form to capture new customer emails with a strong offer, thereby bringing prospects into the funnel
  • Re-design of email template which fits the brand tone and overall style/vibe.
  • Map out & design 5 key flows to start with: Welcome flow, abandoned cart flow, browse recovery flow, post purchase/new customer nurture flow, and Customer winback flow.
  • We also expand on these flows with different list segmentation, split-tests, offers, and expand the length of them by including more emails to nurture & convert more prospects.
  • Prepare a manual campaign content schedule starting with weekly campaigns including a good mix of promotional, brand building & community engagement emails, as well as setting up different list segments so we can send more targeted emails while reducing the chance of oversending & saturating the list. 


Overall results after 30 days:

After only 30 days of our new flows being live, they are now contributing to over 20% of the total store revenue. Our client is ecstatic about the returns we’ve been able to help generate so quickly, especially when they previously doubted the channel and thought it wouldn’t be worthwhile to invest into it.

We’ve only just began sending manual campaigns, so as we warm up our list to them, and especially as we test/optimize to improve this, we are sure to see results grow and expect to begin generating up to 30% of overall monthly revenue through Klaviyo.

If you’re interested in seeing if there’s any potential in optimizing & improving your email marketing strategy for your e-commerce business, feel free to book a free discovery call with us and we’ll do a free audit to see what we could do together!

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